Behavioral Support 

At Del Mar Academy, we approach behavior with support and accountability.  We have multiple strategies and support for all students in order to increase expected behavior and to intervene with care and reflection when there is unexpected behavior. 

Ways We Support Student Behavior 

Morning Meetings 

Strong classroom systems and structures

House Celebrations & Recognition 

Regulation Stations 

Planning Centers

Counseling support for those who need it 

Creating teams of students to build connection

Broad range of activities and academic experiences to engage all kinds of learners 

Adult help to support when we have big feelings 

Adult intervention when there is student conflict 

Parent communication when a child is the harmer or the harmed 

Leadership opportunities for students

Ways We Hold Students Accountable  

Structured Recess 

Systematic Lunch Procedures

Structured Hallway Behaviors 

Logical consequences 

Restorative Practices 

If your child needs additional support with behavior, we have a MTSS Team (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) that can meet with your family to design a plan of intervention specifically for your child.  Please contact Alison Ostrom, our assistant principal.